Purchase your six-pack now for $500 and save $100 off the normal rate!


Whether you are new to the world of voice, and intermediate talent, or a tried and true veteran, we can all use a little refresher now and then.  A six-pack coaching session with Deb will get you six one-hour coaching sessions that can take place at her personal studio in the Greater Toronto Area, via Skype, or Telephone.  Each session is individually tailored to your current needs and can be used to work on a topic of your choice.  Wanting to work on practice scripts? Not a problem! Help with current Pay2Play auditions? Of course!  You’re encouraged to record each session so that you can use them later as a refresher or to track your progress.

Purchase the sessions now at the discounted rate and use them at a later date.

[purchase_link id=”1077″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

*Sessions are normally conducted Monday – Friday between the hours of 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. EST