Sept. 19, 2012 – Find Your Signature Voice Over Personality (And Sell It) / Deb Munro

Attend to:

  • Discover your unique voice over ‘signature’ personality
  • Learn how to sell that voice to producers and clients
  • Volunteer for live script coaching (first 10 registered volunteers will be chosen)

Press the RECORD button … and who’s talking? YOU? Or someone, something, you’re trying to imitate?

We spend so much time trying to sound like the “PERFECT voice talent” that we forget the client’s true request – to be natural, to be ourselves.

Finding your true personality is the key to successful voice acting. It brings a bit of YOU into every script, no matter what you voice.

But do you know WHAT or WHO your true personality is? And therefore, what you should focus on selling?

Join us Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, for Find Your Signature Voice Over Personality (And Sell It) – a new VoiceOverXtra webinar led by leading voice talent and coach Deb Munro.

Have a schedule conflict? No problem. Your registration includes an audio / visual recording of the entire session.

Bonus #1: The first 10 registered attendees to volunteer will be coached live by Deb, reading from their choice of scripts received in advance of the webinar. And we’ll all benefit by following Deb’s guidance.

“Call me the personality psychic, but you will read a script in what you believe your personality to be, and I will tell you what the rest of the world really hears,” Deb promises.


“When you fall in love with an actor on camera, more than likely it is their personality that draws you, not their good – or not-so-good – acting,” Deb notes. “Knowing who you are, being confident in that, and placing bits of your true personality into everything you do is not only important, but absolutely necessary.

For voice over beginners and working pros, this webinar will reveal how to:

  • Discover your VO personality
  • Apply your personality to every voice over genre
  • Find the personality in the script
  • Bring your personality to the script – every time

Bonus #2: To celebrate September’s Voice Over Awareness Today (VOAT) month, two drawings will be held during the webinar to win Deb Munro’s Voice Biz Handbook (2nd edition, $43) and one drawing to win Deb’s Creating Voices Workshop Handbook ($150). You do not need to attend the live session to win.


Deb Munro is a leading voice talent, actor, instructor, producer, director, speaker and author … whose passion for voice-over is contagious!

Based near Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Deb presents popular voice-over training in major Canadian cities. With many years of experience in broadcasting, animation, freelance voicing and coaching, she brings students a unique perspective. Deb’s voice over work includes live announcing the 2009 Gemini Awards, major corporate projects, TV and game animation, and much more.

Join us to take your personality for a test drive – and discover how to sell the real YOU!

Tuition: $39.95, including an audio / visual recording of the entire session.

Date Time Price
9/19/2012 9:00 PM EDT $39.95 Register