Wishing you all the best for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



listen to the cash registers buzzing, the children describing their wish lists and the piles and piles of presents about to be laid under the tree.  Yes, it’s that time of year.  There is no denying that Christmas is getting more expensive every year.  For some that’s the toughest part, being able to afford all that society deems we should keep up to.  I wish I could magically give each and every one of you exactly what you want, but of course I can’t.  What I can share with you however is why I love this time of year.  The fact is, I love life – and any reason catered to the celebration of others and our blessed time on this planet, is worth embracing with open arms so this year, seek meaning of love behind this holiday.  Today and this month – in fact every day of every year….I celebrate YOU!  Some of us who know each other, others I’ve never met….how fortunate am I to have you in my life.

This year particularly brings with it new celebrations for me.  I have an announcement to make:  I have added to my family – I’m PREGNANT – JUST KIDDING LOL….I’m ENGAGED….. what a beautiful time to celebrate finding my soul-mate and welcoming not only his family, but Wayne has also blessed me with two girls of his own, 19 year old Amanda and 9 year old Kayleigh.  I am so lucky to have become a part of a such a beautiful mixed family.  Four girls, one grandson and one granddaughter (poor Kyler and Wayne LOL). It was a very romantic proposal in Cancun.  Dinner by sunset and proposal by waterfall and two most incredible rings.  Date is yet to be set – but we’ll sure to keep you updated.

All of you have become a part of my family – and so it is with great pleasure for me to wish you and yours an incredibly Happy Holiday.


Hot Shots!!!

Congratulations to the following Talent for recent completion of their demos!

John Harris
Jake Maughn
Keith Laverick
Leah Lakustiak
Atila Mytyok
Justin Shepard
Jonathan Tilley


Goal Gourmet – All Flavor, no Trans fat!

Goal Gourmet – Setting and Accomplishing Your Goals
1 Pad of paper or Digital notebook
1 Pen
1 Focused Mind
1 budget

One big heap of motivation and determination
As much support as you can find.


The most important part of this recipe is writing out your goals.  Using your focused mind, I want you to write on your pad of paper or digital notebook, a list of your current goals – no matter how minimal or unrealistic.  Be specific in your time frame – for example; one year, one month etc.  I use a list each and every week so this is also a goal sheet that I commit to on a daily basis, as well as my yearly goals.

On a separate sheet of paper/digital sheet, now write out all the things that stand in the way of you accomplishing your goals.  Most of you have a million reasons why you can’t accomplish your goals, in fact we ALL have reasons why not – but that why not list is the only thing standing in your way – instead focus on how to make it work, not giving yourself a thousand excuses of why it can’t.

Once you’ve written out your excuse list it’s time for yet another list – the accomplishment list.  Write out exactly what you need to do to accomplish each of your goals.  For example finances – how much will you need to accomplish each of your goals and where are you going to be able to come up with the money to make it happen?  This is where most people end their pursuits.  They realize that they can’t afford to pursue their dreams – but I challenge you in this area.  You’ve all heard the saying, “where there is a will, there is a way”.  I have followed this method my entire life.  Volunteer, barter, utilize all the contacts you know in your life both personal and professional.  MOST IMPORTANTLY – don’t be afraid to ask for help – it’s within your reach.

This recipe will bake with perfection and give you all that you need to keep your business on top and successful.

If you need help in creating this recipe I am available to give you just the push you need to get your motor running.  All you need is a little help to get you where you have to go.  Time to help yourself, and then the rest of the world will help you in return.

2011 Holiday Magic

If you have not already, check out this wonderful cause which makes a difference in the lives of children who are hospitalized during the holiday season.

Tastey Tidbits

Click on any recipe card to view a larger version

Deb’s Tasty Turtles – PETA Friendly

Mayan Hot Chocolate Courtesy of John


Thank You for your Business in 2011!

Our warmest thanks to all of those who have used Deb’s Voice for their projects in 2011.  We look forward to the opportunity to work with you again in the New Year.
To All Our Students

Our Incredible DebsVoice Team

John Harris
Seann Shaffer
Brent Halfyard
Rob Young
Doug DeNance
Elley-Ray Hennessy

And all our subscribers!

To Clients such as:

Arrow Communications
Autonomous Studios
Black Consulting
Car Canada
CFNR Classic Rock
Evolve Media
G Radio One
Go 2 Productions
Hold-On America
Indusgeeks Solutions
Jason Jenkins
Joy TV
Kor Hotel Group
La Fonda Hotel
Lane Blood
Millennium, Inc.
Mix FM
Montana State Library
Navigator MultiMedia
Online Now
Ring Central
Rugged Media
Rune Entertainment
Show Tell Move
Sound Logic
The Hog
Time Warner Cable
University of Denver
Viceroy Hotels
Winter Olumpic Kiosk (CSHOF)
and more

To all my agents – thank you!

To my incredible family & friends

Give the Gift that Keeps Giving…Education!

Whether it be via Skype, Telephone or In-Person sessions, a gift card for a training session, workshops or products is the perfect gift to ask for this year!
Send your loved ones our way and we will offer an e-gift card for any denomination!

Get an E-Gift Card for private sessions, workshops, or products!


A Neumann U87 and Harlan Hogan Portabooth?!
How about a football?


New Year, New You…or is it?

John’s Corner

As Deb mentioned in her article on goal setting, often times we get in the way of our own goals by repeating negative or self-defeating behavior without even knowing it. The problem is if you really want to get on track for the New Year and accomplish these goals, you might have to change somethings about yourself, and for a lot of people, they might not even realize that the only one standing in the way of their goals is themselves. One of my favorite analogies is the pothole story. So I am going to share it with all of you in hopes that you are able to apply it to another situation in your life and change it in the new year for the better. One morning, you get up just as usual, after getting ready and maybe grabbing some breakfast you get in your card and head off to work the same way you normally go. However, on this morning there is a huge pothole in the road. You don’t see it, you hit it with your car and your car takes a little damage. You become a little annoyed with it but go on about your day. The next morning, the same thing occurs. You know the pothole is there but you think to yourself “this morning I will just swerve around the pothole.” Sure enough though, no matter how hard you try you still hit the pothole and the result is the same. The car takes a little damage and your day has been ruined. This scenario repeats itself over and over again until you become so irritated that you have blamed the city for not fixing the hole, your car probably needs a new tire and all you are left with is anger and frustration. You get so caught up in having to go that way to work everyday that you are willing to do something that you know will be detrimental to you just because it is habit to go that way. The solution has been there all along though and all it entails, is taking another way to work. The point is, we have to look for patterns that we keep repeating in life that don’t benefit us or cause us not to get to where we want to be and change them. Sure, change is not easy. But what is even more important than that is that change is possible.

Did You Know?

Fun Facts About Christmas Around the World
Thanks to Venre Travel Blog for the following fun facts!


In Greek, X means Christ; that is where the word “Xmas” comes from!

Christmas World Records

The world’s largest Christmas present was the Statue of Liberty. The French gave it to the US in 1886. It is 46.5 meters high and weights 225 tons!

“Green” Christmas

It can take up to 15 years to grow an average-sized tree of 6-7 feet or as little as 4 years, but the average growing time is 7!

Christmas Songs

Bing Crosby ‘s ‘White Christmas’ was released in 1942 and is considered to be the best-selling Christmas song of all time!

Christmas Statistics

1 in 10 – The number of the presents received that will be broken by the New Year
7 in 10 – The number of dogs that get Christmas gifts from their owners
33 – The average amount spent per person on last-minute purchases
25 – The percentage time spent in queues when Christmas shopping
832 – The number of homes Santa visits every second to deliver all his presents
5340 – Average number of times Visa Cards are used every minute during Christmas time

Want to read the full article?

Click here.


Until next time.
All my best,
